Back to School for Your Biz – 3 “Supplies” You Need

back to school

It’s “Back to school” time – so update your biz supplies, too!

Can you believe it’s already time for “back to school”? As a mom, this year is particularly harder for me than last year…my son starts 4 year old kindergarten.  I can’t believe he’s already 4 years old – let alone starting “big boy school” as we’re opting to call it.  Just yesterday he was a baby….

I can’t believe he was ever this small!

OK, Mommy moment done!  Since we’re having to go school-supply shopping, I started thinking about what business supplies I need to keep my business running.  I don’t mean the obvious pens, planners, and laptop. Rather, some programs and apps that help make my life easier and my business better. Here are a few of my favorites..please feel free to comment and let me know what’s on your list!

Canva For Work

Canva is a MUST for my business!  I fell in love with it a year or so ago, but when Canva For Work came out I loved it even more. Canva in itself is so user-friendly, and fits my style of thinking. With tons of free images to use, pre-sized templates for any type of image you would need, easy uploading/organizing of your own photos, and then thousands of options for only $1.00 each – I am sold! Then, Canva for work comes out so you can have templates, your brand info easily accessible when creating images, and Magic Resize…MIND. BLOWN.  Magic resize in itself saves me tons of time recreating images for multiple outlets.  My process: I make the blog title, then resize for Pinterest and a Facebook Ad.  Adjust the resized images as necessary and winner winner, chicken dinner I am done!


This is just a fun one – Coffitivity is a fun website that puts a cafe on your computer. So you if you feel more productive with the buzzing of people around you, but this on your computer and then minimize the screen so it just goes on the background.  There is a free and premium (paid) version, so if you check it out and like it – upgrade to get more creativity out of your “background noise” 😉



Collaboration Tools

I will sound like a broken record if I go into how much I love and use Asana again ;-). Safe to say, it is one of my favorite Apps 😉  But, another two that I use regularly are Evernote and OneNote.  These apps are great, too, because they can sync between my laptop, my Android device, and my tablet if I need to be more mobile.  OneNote keeps me organized with continuing education notes, Facebook Ad results, and business specs.  Evernote is great for keeping checklists, uploading documents, and starting chats with co-workers or clients.





So, what are your favorite business supplies?  Please share below so we can add it to our list, too!

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