Taking a break – it’s baby time!

I hate to admit it, but it’s time for a blog break…

Self-care is important, and this year is bringing a bit more change to my life….I’m expecting!  Baby Davis is due June 12, and my husband and I couldn’t be more excited.  For those of you who have been through pregnancy, delivery, and the adjustment to a new member of the family, you may remember the challenges (big and small) that came with that adjustment.  While I can’t complain to much about my pregnancy, the first trimester brought the “all day queasy”, but things are going fine now 🙂

That being said, I don’t know what the last trimester will bring and how adjusting from a family of 3 to a family of 4 will play out. So, I have decided to listen to my inner voice and take a little “stress” off my life by not having the pressure of putting out a blog post twice a month.  I need to focus now on getting my business prepped in other ways for when the new baby gets here, and making sure my clients are taken care of before I have to go on “maternity leave”.

So I hope you have enjoyed the previous posts I have written, and feel free to browse around some more 🙂 There may be a post here and there to keep you updated on the baby progress, but if not, I’ll be back at in 2018 🙂

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